Parenting Arrangements – How to Navigate Parenting Plans and Consent Orders

August 4, 2023
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Relationships break downs can be challenging but it can even be more complicated when there are children involved. As such it is important that the needs the parties consider the needs and wellbeing of the children first and foremost.

It is likely that parties who are undergoing a separation are likely to be anxious about the effects of separation on their child/children and how it will impact on their emotional well-being as well as the more practical aspects of their daily lives.

At Meredith Lawyers, our experienced family lawyers can provide practical advice and guidance throughout the negotiation process with your former partner. We can help you to resolve any issues that might arise and determine the best possible parenting arrangement for your children – considering the children’s rights and their best interests.

If necessary, we can direct you to professional counsellors and/or psychologists who can help to minimise any emotional trauma to the child/children.  When an agreement is reached, we can prepare the relevant documents such as Parenting Order for ratification by the Court that outlines the agreement and help to ensure compliance with the agreement moving forward.  We can also conclude the agreement by way of a Parenting Plan where parties decide not to take the Court route.

In the event that an agreement cannot be reached between the parties involved, or if there are extenuating circumstances, our family lawyers are experienced advocates who can assist you with court proceedings to resolve parenting and custody issues. If this is the case, our family lawyers are also highly experienced litigators who can guide you through the court process and will work hard to achieve the best possible outcome for you and your children.

With the help of experienced family lawyers at Meredith lawyers, most parents are able to resolve any disputes and reach an agreement on the best arrangements for their children after separation.  These agreements can then be turned into Court Orders or Parenting Plans that stipulate where the children will live, how much time they will spend with each parent, and how any future decisions will be made regarding education, health care and so on.

For more information on parenting agreements and the preparation of formal Parenting Plans, contact our Family Lawyers today on 1300 537 306 or send us an email at

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